Dental implants are small dental devices that consist of a post, abutment, and crown. During the procedure, your dentist will insert a metal, screw-like post into your jawbone to act as an artificial tooth root. This holds the abutment and crown in place. A custom-made crown is placed on top to complete the natural-looking restoration.
Dental implants are small dental devices that consist of a post, abutment, and crown. During the procedure, your dentist will insert a metal, screw-like post into your jawbone to act as an artificial tooth root. This holds the abutment and crown in place. A custom-made crown is placed on top to complete the natural-looking restoration.
Dental implants are most commonly used as excellent treatment options for people who have a lost a single or several teeth. Implants have also been used to replace severely damaged teeth or to provide anchors for dentures or dental bridges.
Most patients suffering from tooth loss are candidates for dental implants. However, there are some restrictions relating to general health that could keep you from undergoing the procedure. You’re a good candidate for dental implants if you:
At West Mill Smiles, you can count on our experienced team to bring you the highest quality dental implants that’ll get you smiling again. Give us a call to learn more or to schedule a consultation!