Did you know that improving your smile can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and lines in your face without plastic surgery? Treatments in cosmetic dentistry provide natural-looking solutions to a lackluster smile.
At West Mill Smiles, we also create state-of-the-art and metal-free restorations to correct dental imperfections – all which look, feel, and function just like your very own teeth. This includes:
As soon as we go over what you would ideally like to improve on to create your perfect smile, we also evaluate the shape of your face, the architecture of your nose and cheekbones, and the character of your eyes. However, it’s the shape and contour of your lips that are the highest priority.
When coming up with a cosmetic treatment plan tailored just for you, we’ll consider an aesthetic list of factors, like the balance of your eyes and nose in relation to your other facial dimensions.
We can restructure your smile to make you appear younger, make your smile whiter, eliminate dental crowding, and straighten crooked teeth.
But remember, we’re not just doing a smile makeover. We believe that 90% of a beautiful smile happens when we make your smile healthy, well-built, and with proper alignment. All so that you can enjoy laughing, chewing, talking, and more!
Studies have found that the main way people want to improve their smile is getting brighter and whiter teeth. But this isn’t the only thing cosmetic treatment can correct. It also improves or fixes:
According to studies performed by social psychologists in and around Medfield, many people spend about three seconds assessing your appearance. Then they’ll start making judgments about your:
But more important than what others think of you, enhancing your smile can boost your own self-esteem. You can be more confident in your appearance and your social skills, both in personal and professional interactions.
At West Mill Smiles, we offer a broad selection of cosmetic and restorative dentistry procedures to achieve your ultimate smile goals, including:
Enhancing your smile can enhance your entire life. That’s why we make sure you’re an equal partner in all decisions about your treatment. We’ll communicate effective so that we’re on the same track – before we begin any cosmetic dental work. We follow a comprehensive strategy to develop a plan for your smile makeover! Contact us today with any questions about cosmetic dentistry at West Mill Smiles.